Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

V. Duval and F-X. Vialard have organized the CAVALIERI workshop which was held in the Inria Paris research center (October, 11th and 12th).

The team has organized the “Journées MokaTAO” together with the McTAO team on October 3rd and 4th. G. Peyré co-organized the SIGMA 2016 conference at the CIRM in Nov. 2016.

J-D. Benamou has co-organized Computational Optimal Transportation Workshop at CRM montreal (July 18-22).


Member of the Editorial Boards

Guillaume Carlier is in the board of Journal de l'école Polytechnique, Applied Mathematics and optimization (since 2016) and Mathematics and financial economics, with Filippo Santambrogio and Thierry Champion he co-edited a special issues of RICAM Series devoted to optimal transport. G. Peyré is editor for SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences and Springer Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. He co-edited a special issues of RICAM Series devoted to inverse problems.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The members of the team are frequently reviewing papers in SIIMS (SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences), JMAA (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications), IPol (Image Processing Online), JVCI (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation), COCV, M2AN ... Discrete and computational geometry, Journal of the London Math Society, JOTA, JCP, “Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA”, JMIV, Optimization Letters, PAMI, SIAM optimization and control, IPMI and MICCAI (leading conferences in medical imaging).

Invited Talks

V. Duval was invited to give talks at: the Oberwolfach workshop on Mathematical Imaging and Surface processing (January 2016), the Séminaire Parisien de Statistique (SEMSTAT, March 2016), the McGill-Mokalien Workshop on Numerical Optimal transport (July 2016) and the Demi-heure de Science at Inria Paris (October 2016).

G. Carlier gave seminars in Grenoble, Liège, Bielefeld and NYU, was plenary speaker at Smai-Mode conference (Toulouse), gave talks at the workshop Nonlinear problems from materials science and shape optimization (Pisa), workshop computational optimal transport (Montreal), workshop New Developments in Econometrics and Time Series (Madrid), MAFE Meeting (Bielefeld) and OTT16 (Pisa).

G. Peyré was plenary speaker at : Oxford Summer School on inverse problems (Jul 2016) ; Optimization without Border, (les Houches, Feb 2016) ; UCL workshop on sparse signal processing (Sep. 2016) ; workshop computational optimal transport (Montreal, Jul 2016) ; OTT16 (Pisa, Dec 2016).

J-D. Benamou talked at the Calculus of Variation Seminar in U. Paris Diderot (Nov.), he was invited speaker at OTT16 (Pisa, Dec 2016).

F-X. Vialard gave talks in séminaire de mathématiques appliquées, Cermics, ENPC, janvier; Geometric analysis theory in vision and control conference, Voss - Bergen, May; SIAM Imaging Science, Large Scale Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging, Albuquerque, May; Mathematics of Shapes and Applications, Singapore, July; Geometric Measure Theory: Analysis and non-smooth objects, CIMI analysis semester, Toulouse, September; MokaTAO meeting, Inria Paris, October; séminaire calcul des variations, Orsay, October; Journée transport optimal, équation de Monge-Ampère et applications, IHES, December.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

G. Peyré is in the scientific boards of Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (since 2013) ; Chaire CFM-ENS on Data Sciences (since 2016) ; Chaire Havas-Dauphine END (since 2013); Ceremade Paris-Dauphine (2013-2016)

Research Administration

J-D. Benamou is an elected member of the "Conseil Académique" of the PSL COMUE.